Weight Room Club

Weight Room Club

The weight room club for this year began on September 21st. The club sponsor is Mr. De Anda.

What is the weight room club? The weight room is a place where there is lots of gym equipment to work out and get into shape. Weight room club meet-ups happen every Wednesday in the weight room from 3:30 to 4:30 pm.

“The weight room club just provides OHS students an opportunity each week to utilize the weight room as long as they follow the rules of conduct,”  said Mr. De Anda.

“Some reasons I believe people should join weight training?  It is a very good habit to get into. And it’s a very good thing to get into shape- to become a better version of yourself and definitely feel better about yourself,” explained Jorge Lopez.

“I think people should try weight training to get themselves in shape and gain way more confidence. I go to weight training often and I feel like it always helps with my stress. It feels like a break from reality and it’s very enjoyable to go with your friends,” said Juan Gutierrez.