Senior and class colors are a long-standing tradition here at Osbourn. Mr. Whitley, the SCA sponsor said “Senior colors and wearing colors correlated to class has been going on for 20 years, and it was started as a way to have every class show their school spirit.” While underclassmen are assigned a school color to wear, the seniors are given four options to vote on, and the color with the most votes is the final decision.
The colors to choose from this year were red, black, matcha green, and blue-gray. And when it came time to vote, many had mixed opinions on the choices. “I think black is a very basic choice. I think unfortunately since black is a color most high school students wear, it is an automatic choice. We could’ve gone with a color that stood out more from the other classes. I don’t think senior colors are that big of a deal, which is why I’m not too affected but I would prefer not having a color people wear every day,” said Savanna Fitzgerald.
But what about the students who believe senior colors are a big deal? This is what Liam Sutphin had to say: “I don’t like the senior colors because they’re boring and the past years have been much more colorful. I think senior colors are a big deal because we’ve waited a long time to be able to make this decision. It’s a part of the senior experience. if I could create the color choices I would pick dark green, maroon, light blue, and pink.”
And Ciara Kraft said “I feel like the senior colors should’ve been better picked this year, because past seniors have had lighter colors and all of the choices are bland. Plus we’ve been stuck with boring colors in the past. If I were to choose the colors I’d have to ask other people’s opinions but they’d be fun.”
These three students seem to agree that they are not big fans of having black as their senior color. But not all seem to believe that black is such a bad option. Jacie Gambardella said “I like that the senior color is something I can wear and the shirt should be something we all like. I think that in some aspects senior colors are important, seeing as it’s our last year. But there are other more important things we can vote on. if I chose the colors, they would be maroon, lavender, pink, and black.”
Everyone who voted, whether they like or dislike the options, can agree that black is a color most people have in their wardrobes. And a color they wear almost every day is going to win and is probably the best choice. Thomas Roberts, a leadership student who was part of the decision-making process said “The colors were carefully chosen to ensure there was at least one color people liked that was different from the previous years, The thought process was to have colors that were fashionable inside and out of school. This is why black and blue were added. Color repetition was a big issue the class officers were faced with. When deciding on class color, the solution was to have only one shade per color because it would’ve been unfair to have two different shades of red. For me personally, the ideal shirt design would be something more than 50% of students do like.”
And when asked his personal opinion on the color options he said “I like the class colors and the options I and the class officers provided. I like the color black- it’s a nice color that goes with everything. I don’t think senior colors are a big deal compared to other things going on, but I do think they’re worth paying attention to. I had a say on the color choices and I wouldn’t change much about them, although I do wish matcha green would’ve won.”
After reading opinions from many different people, what was your opinion on the class colors? Whatever your opinion was before, did anyone change your mind or give you a new perspective?
Tell us in the comments!
Pamela Qurioz Santiago • Sep 27, 2024 at 7:34 pm
I think class colors are fun especially if you a senior. If I were a senior I would’ve picked pink though.
Shane McCusker • Sep 27, 2024 at 2:42 pm
If I were a senior I probably would’ve wanted a more memorable color for my last year of high school. Maybe a bright neon color for fun.
Emely • Sep 27, 2024 at 10:44 am
Black is one of my favorite colors!
Madeline Maltez • Sep 27, 2024 at 10:42 am
I agree that black is a basic color. It’s bland and doesn’t really pop out. This article was written nicely as well!
Bri M. • Sep 27, 2024 at 10:30 am
I think the colors were nice. I know some classes might have not liked wearing their color, but I think it wasn’t bad.
Eric Zavala • Sep 26, 2024 at 2:27 pm
As a senior myself i felt really neutral of black being the class color. I wear black here and there but don’t really mind it at all.
Keyli • Sep 24, 2024 at 2:47 pm
I like how the seniors chose black as their class color because even though it’s basic, the color is still really cute.
Jackson Doll • Sep 23, 2024 at 2:26 pm
I agree with a lot of the opinions in this article saying that black is more of a basic color. I think the school should’ve had the seniors recommend colors that could then be narrowed down and voted on, because it seems like a handful of the students weren’t a fan of many of the colors.
Engel DiazDiaz • Sep 23, 2024 at 2:15 pm
I think its nice that the school is continuing their tradition which for people who are new at this may find it confusing, its also interesting how seniors chose the color black instead of red, green, or blue.
Larry Lizalde • Sep 23, 2024 at 2:05 pm
Although I shouldn’t really be too interested in the class color, I agree with Savanna Fitzgerald with what she said in her first quote. Black is just too basic and I think there were more unique options that would set them apart from others.
Josh Guzman • Sep 23, 2024 at 1:14 pm
Even if I am guilty of wearing black almost everyday, I think that it’s kind of bland and boring when it comes to the senior colors. I think they should be more appealing to the eye instead of plain black. But that’s just my personal opinion!