No Matter What Season It Is, Cheerleaders Bring The Spirit

Fall season ends and winter sports step in, students are warming up as basketball season begins. OHS cheerleaders are jumping and spiriting with excitement over their new uniforms, pom poms, and brand-new bows. Osbourn cheerleaders are getting ready and warming up to start cheering for yet another season.

“I definitely prefer cheering for basketball; the crowd involvement is way better, so when we’re chanting the crowd always joins in and it’s a lot of fun. I also prefer cheering for basketball because more students show up to the games, I also love that we are inside for basketball, so I don’t have to worry about getting cold,” said junior Kennedy Barns.

Most cheerleaders cheer for the whole year and cheer for both basketball and football. Additionally, junior varsity will cheer for other sports such as field hockey and lacrosse. Osbourn cheerleaders can always be seen calling cheers,  smiling, or even stunting on the sideline, although their performances look flawless, they take hours to perfect.

”The most stressful thing about being a cheerleader is being held to such a high standard. I feel like everyone in the building is waiting for us to mess up, even when we have bad days or don’t feel like cheering, we have to put on a smile and keep our motions tight and our voices loud,” said senior cheer captain Maddie Henderson.

”The most stressful part about being a cheerleader is having to keep going and keep smiling, even after you mess up. It’s embarrassing when everyone is doing the same motion and you’ve done the wrong one. It makes me feel bad and confused. Coach always tells us to keep smiling and don’t show that you’re embarrassed,” said sophomore Anna Boruff.

The Osbourn cheerleading program has been strong ever since Osbourn was built. There are always moments in cheer that are unforgettable, moments that turn into sweet memories and unique stories. Osbourn cheerleaders have put their all into this year, especially the seniors since this year will be extra meaningful for them.

“It means a lot to me to be a cheerleader. There is so much dedication and passion brought upon the sport. It’s beautiful to me to get a chance to build a team into a family. Truly an uplifting experience!” said senior cheer captain Daja Hollingsworth.

While cheerleaders are mostly seen on the sideline, they also go to cheerleading competitions. These competitions can be held at different schools in the district area. Cheerleading competitions are very unique, they are held in large gyms and team routines can last from one (1) minute to three (3).

So what is competition like? First, all the teams competing will be announced and walk onto the mat placed in the middle of the gym, after everyone is announced, the teams walk off into separate rooms to practice and get ready. Soon after, the first performing school will get called. They set up signs, pom poms, and other props. Either music starts and the cheerleaders break out into dancing, or the cheerleaders start out chanting. After each team has their turn, the cheerleaders are invited to the middle of the gym to have a dance party, meet new cheerleaders, or talk to their friends and family. Finally, the announcer asks everyone to sit and he calls which team placed where.

Cheerleading competitions are very interesting and Osbourn cheerleaders encourage all students to come support and watch every year.

”My favorite thing about being a cheerleader is being on the comp team. We hit the mat and did our routine with zero deductions. I was so nervous when we were performing, but I’m so proud of my team for pushing through. When the announcer started saying which teams placed where, my heart was beating so fast, then they announced Osbourn Eagles and said we placed fifth. The team was so happy,” said freshman Destyni Payne.

Osbourn cheerleaders are so proud to represent the school and are very excited to cheer throughout the year.