Halloween Costumes: The Good, The Bad, The Epic Fails
Halloween is coming up and it’s tradition to wear costumes — some good, some bad. OHS has great stories about their best Halloween successes, worst fails, and a few costumes that deserve an award for creativity; from a walking tomato to a fairy princess to an Elsa-themed costume. So what are OHS students wearing this year?
“I want to be Forrest Gump this year because he’s a runner, he’s like a motivational person, and he’s in the spectrum,” said freshman Mathew Whitesell.
“This year I’m going to be Miles Morales from Spider Man: Into The Spider Verse. I saw a sweater on Amazon that looked cool, so I thought it would make a cute costume,” said freshman Paola Almazàn.
Not all costumes go according to plan; many times a costume can rip or fit in a way that isn’t as expected. They can turn out differently from what you’ve pictured in your head. OHS students have stories about costumes that didn’t go as planned, looked horrible, or just plain failed. So what are some of the students’ horrible costume catastrophes?
“My least favorite Halloween costume was the pumpkin my parents made me dress up as when I was two. I felt like it made me look more like a peach than an actual pumpkin because of its shape and color — the orange looked sort of faded and it wasn’t even round,” said freshman Sarah Hill.
“It was supposed to be a Frozen-themed event and I was like in first-grade elementary, it had wings and a wand. It was very very glittery but first-grade me loved it. But now that I look back to the pictures taken that day, I hate how it looked, Because every time it’s Halloween I get reminded that I wore that ugly costume,” said freshman Jacqueline Biddier.
But what about all-time favorite costumes? There’s always that one costume that students love, where everything goes to plan or even better. So what type of costumes did OHS students think turned out amazingly?
“I absolutely loved dressing up as a tomato when I was like five, it was really, really great. I had a cardboard box I painted red with my parents. I cut holes in it and wore it with small green leaves that I tied on my head, and walked the whole neighborhood around like that. I think I also wore rainbow shoes with it. It was my favorite because I got the most candy that year,” freshman Eithne Witchardson said.
“I was Iron Man three whole times on Halloween. I liked wearing my Iron Man costume because I have a lot of memories of the superhero and had lots of Iron Man-themed events, like birthday parties. Iron Man is the goat,” said freshman Mathew Whitesell.
“My favorite costume was my Moana costume from last year. Moana was my favorite because it was easy, and I didn’t need to do my hair,” said freshman Paola Almazàn.
Enjoy Halloween, everyone!

My name is Kiara, I'm a freshman at OHS. I'd like to write articles on sports and current events.
Kai • Nov 4, 2022 at 8:37 am
I loved this article so much. It was really lighthearted and fun, and I really enjoyed the fact that you showed both sides of the costumes. The conclusion was a little disconnected, but overall, it was a really good read.
Michael Juarez-Sesam • Oct 27, 2022 at 1:30 pm
Seeing peoples reactions and seeing what they wore was honestly such a treat and was a lot of fun to read! I think that the ending could have been improved a little by ending with a summary of what you said but it was still nice to read just a tiny bit on the short end but that’s fine for me! Overall I enjoyed your article a lot and had a good laugh reading about peoples costumes.
Alondra Marquez • Oct 26, 2022 at 8:06 am
I loved the quotes ! I loved how you included both the good and the bad side of their costumes. The orange/peach costume was sort of sad to read, It’s a bummer it turned out that way. I think the Forrest gump costume Mathew is thinking about doing is a great idea. This article was great I enjoyed reading. Happy Halloween !
Alejandra Chavarria • Oct 25, 2022 at 2:14 pm
I love the introduction and how you included some ideas people have used. The quotes on people costumes are also nice to read.
Aziza Zarrincalaki • Oct 25, 2022 at 1:17 pm
This article was so cute! I love the inclusion of different topics like least favorite and most favorite costumes as well as what their current costume will be.
amelia breeden • Oct 25, 2022 at 12:26 pm
I feel this article has really strong quotes that made this so fun to get through. It was interesting hearing people reflect on costumes they wore, and how they feel about it in present time. I also liked hearing about what people plan on dressing up as this year.
Madina Habib • Oct 25, 2022 at 12:26 pm
I really liked the trasnitsions between the sources and the wuotes in this article, the lead was very interesting and immediatly drew me in. I feel like the quotes could’ve been more diverse and you couldve tried your best to interview some juniors, sophmores and seniors. The article was very put together though!
Ethan Hudson • Oct 25, 2022 at 12:01 pm
I really enjoyed reading your article, it had really good flow and transitioning between paragraphs. I thought that your topic was really well explained through the article and the flow of the article represented your topic too. I really liked the quotes about what people wore in the past and what they are going to be this halloween. And finally what are you going to be this year for Halloween or what is your favorite costume for the past.