Cafeteria TVs Entertain and Enlighten Some, Inspire Suggestions From Others
Every morning at breakfast, lunch, and during transition periods, the cafeteria features its run of channels on three flat-screen TVs. These devices were installed recently to keep students occupied and entertained whilst they eat and socialize. They stream Fox News and episodes of the show Family Guy. Every now and then, a slideshow advertises Osbourn events, such as Back To School night or the Saturday Learning Seminar (SLS).
Despite the effort to play well-liked channels, members of the Osbourn community have expressed their concerns about the lack of variety in the channel selections. They worry that a single news outlet does not sufficiently stimulate and support students’ developing views of the world. This has left them questioning the choices offered.
Students have begun to do the same, imagining which shows would play on those cafeteria TV screens if they were in charge.
“Some of the shows are random. They should put on better shows. Maybe National Geographic? The news is smart. I’ll look over at it and I’m educated on world events,” said Vandivere.
Others follow with their thoughts. “I would love to see The Simpsons. Yes! The Simpsons,” said Franco Zelaya.
“Action movies. Netflix would be good,” said junior Damaris Turcios.
“A lot of people like Supernatural, Master Chef, and Blue Planet,” added sophomore Keyla Turcios.
Freshman Sarah Hill said “The shows played are really boring. We should stream shows that have more appeal to our age group. I recommend cartoons such as Total Drama or shows like America’s Next Top Model. I would like to see shows that everyone can enjoy”.
“I want to watch Princess and the Frog. Disney movies! I’d watch those,” said junior Britney Batres.
“I would like to see comedy shows like The Office or something light-hearted like that. When students look at the TV, they shouldn’t be seeing some random show that will bring down their already low energy. A nice cartoon or a family show– not Family Guy— would be nice to see,” said freshman Aziza Zarrincalaki.
Some OHS students had ideas and suggestions that go beyond just the shows playing on the cafeteria TVs.
“I want bigger TVs if we have to sit so far away,” said sophomore Keyla Turcios.
Even greater is the push for subtitles. Franco Zelaya said “There should be subtitles in Spanish. We need that. Spanish and English.”
Overall, students seem to be glad that the TVs are there. They like them for a variety of reasons.
“[Having TVs means] having entertainment. They make lunch good,” said junior Rosa Franco Zelaya.
“Yes, [they are important] for people who sit alone,” said junior Britney Batres.
Freshman Sophia Vandivere agrees but added, “At least one [TV] should be on during lunch because some people sit alone or are bored, but not during the day because they can distract people trying to get to class.”
Vandivere sums up her thoughts by stating that the TVs are “not a terrible idea, but they definitely need improvements.”

Hi, I'm Victoria. I'm a freshman at Osbourn. I write about student opinions and student life. I'm also a big book lover, so you can count on some articles...
vivian • Oct 14, 2022 at 12:01 pm
Actually I didn’t know people watched TV during lunch or that they even had TV there I agree that they should add Netflix I would definitely watch if there was Netflix but overall a great article i found out something new.
Celine Sakatan • Oct 4, 2022 at 10:07 am
This article was informational and brought attention to me and many others about the TV’s. The article was written very well too!
Jonah Morales-Espinoza • Oct 3, 2022 at 2:04 pm
I really like the amount of quotes in this article, they might be short put I feel like that works in favor of the articles whole idea, students suggestions and thoughts. That background information given in the first paragraph is very informative, I did not know they had them TVs on in SLS.
Yosis Mendez • Sep 30, 2022 at 1:10 pm
This article was written quite nice and explained well. This person gave to understand the purpose of the article, which is very important.
Fanny Ferrufino • Sep 30, 2022 at 7:37 am
I liked how this article used a lot of student opinions, and it informative on the TV’s in the cafeteria.
Kiara Picardo • Sep 29, 2022 at 12:25 pm
This article was very good with the information provided. I like how there is a big amount of quotes
Alejandra Chavarria • Sep 23, 2022 at 12:51 pm
I really like this article and how it was written. The amount of suggestions included is fun to read!
Yessica Corrales • Sep 23, 2022 at 12:36 pm
I like how it included tv suggestions. It was very educating because I really don’t pay attention to the tv’s a lot. Amazing work though!
Aziza Zarrincalaki • Sep 23, 2022 at 12:16 pm
The diverse opinions in this article really makes it shine! The comment on adding subtitles in both Spanish and English brings up a great point.
Jayro Leiva • Sep 23, 2022 at 12:13 pm
To be honest I never knew that people actually watched the tv’s in the cafeteria, in my opinion think they should play shows that are interesting.
Alondra Marquez • Sep 23, 2022 at 12:07 pm
Wow I didn’t know the tv actually played shows on them that’s new. great article I loved it!
Ethan Hudson • Sep 23, 2022 at 11:01 am
I thought your article was really good and I thought all your quotes were good and I like that you had a lot of peoples opinion and a lot of quotes too. Your article came to my opinion as well and I also think that we should have more channels or movies etc.. too. This article was very clear and straight forward and all the spelling/grammar and punctuation was good too.
amelia breeden • Sep 23, 2022 at 10:02 am
I honestly was not aware that the TVs were playing actual shows, so that taught me something. The punctuation could use some improvement, but overall the suggestions in your quotes were great!
Madina Habib • Sep 23, 2022 at 9:55 am
I loved reading this article. I really liked how you included what many students want to be presented onto the TV’s and especially how you included the overall article and summed it up with the quote at the end, it was a very nice touch!