Now that winter is over, spring is near and this is when we gain extra hours of sunshine.
Daylight savings is the term we use for when there’s one less hour of night and one extra hour of daylight, while standard time is the term we use for when there’s one extra hour of night and one less hour of daylight. It seems students and teachers have different opinions on whether they prefer or not. But more interesting is what students and teachers prefer, nighttime or day.
Victoria Webs, a freshman, likes to watch the stars at night which is why she prefers night over daytime. “My favorite time of day is the nighttime because of the way the stars light the night.” Meanwhile Lisa Miller, the broadcast, journalism, and yearbook teacher has a preference for morning times. “I LOVE morning, I get up at 3 am every day.”
Daylight savings has been controversial for a long time, the reason we use it is to conserve energy because the sun is out more. “I hate daylight savings! I think it’s very silly we haven’t gotten rid of it, despite almost doing so several times,” said Mr. Michael Edwards.
There have been many times throughout the centuries when leaders have attempted to get rid of it, the most recent time it was attempted to be removed was in 2022 when the sunshine protection act tried to discard daylight savings, but it was denied in 2023 by the House of Representatives.
Most students at Osbourn seem to differ in opinions on daylight savings, some like Victoria don’t like it because she likes stars. “I hate it because I love seeing the stars at night.”
But some students like Ian Knox like it because the sky can look depressing when it gets dark. Ian also likes to watch sunsets, which is different from Victoria who likes to watch stars. Similar to Victoria, Jackson Doll, a freshman, also is not a big fan of daylight savings since he thinks it’s weird to see sunlight at 7 pm “I think daylight savings is weird because it feels strange if it’s still light outside at 7:00.”
“Daylight savings is not beneficial to me. It is an annoyance that throws off my schedule twice a year which is very frustrating,” explained Mr. Edwards.
“I have more energy when the sun is out longer,” added Ms. Miller.
What are YOUR thoughts on daylight savings time? Tell us in the comments.