Good Morning Osbourn!
This is __________ and __________, and we’d like to welcome you to the AWARD-WINNING OSBOURN TODAY!
WE ARE BACK AND WE ARE LIVE! We are so glad you are here today!
We are here every morning to bring you the day’s important information.
Our show is an ongoing project for the Broadcast Journalism classes, so if you have something you need to be included in our show, email Ms. Miller or stop by room 1030.
Today is February 21 and it is a BLUE DAY!
February is Black History Month! Be sure to listen each morning in February for Dr. Hogan’s Black History Month Trivia question. You can win lots of fabulous prizes!
Let’s check out today’s Black History Month feature! (play video).
Thank you to Dr. Wallace and her students for providing our Black History Month content!
Some calendar notes: March 12 is an early release day. March 21 is a teacher work day and a day off for students. March 31 is a holiday.
There is a Saturday Learning Seminar THIS SATURDAY from 9-12! Come have breakfast and get help with your assignments! The marking period ends in one month, so now is the time to catch up!
SCA has a new project coming up next week! Here is some more information. (show video)
Attention Class of 2025!! Do you have family members that have graduated from OHS? Are your Mom/ Dad, Stepmom/ Stepdad, Aunt/ Uncle, Grandparent(s) alumni of Osbourn? We have a scholarship for you!See details in the College and Career Center OR see Ms. Blasius in JLC rm 117. Application deadline is April 11, 2025.
Is it too late to order a yearbook? No! If you want to be guaranteed a copy of the book, you can still pre-order. A limited number of books is still available, so order before they sell out! At this point, we have around 45 yearbooks left that may be reserved. You can order online at or place your order with a $20 deposit in room 1030. Questions? See Ms. Miller in room 1030.
Did you know that there is after school tutoring available specifically for our students who are learning English as a Second Language? Here’s a quick video introduction to the tutoring for our ESOL students! (show video)
Speaking of yearbook…if you would like to help with next year’s yearbook, be sure to sign up to take YEARBOOK JOURNALISM next year!
Do you want to help with creating the daily Osbourn Today show next year? We need lots of help with anchoring, and reporting, but we also have lots of behind-the-scenes jobs for people who might be camera shy. See Ms. Miller in 1030 for more information or just sign up for BROADCAST JOURNALISM for next year!
Do you want to learn how to play the guitar? Sign up for Beginning Guitar during course registration. You do not need any prior experience to join. You can borrow a guitar for the year to use at home. Swing by Johnson 113 if you have any questions.
Want to get elective credit for writing music reviews, restaurant reviews, and articles about topics YOU care about? Sign up for news journalism next year, To see samples of topics OHS journalists write about, go to
In Sports news…This weekend (Saturday)
Dive State Championship – 11:56am – Rouse Swim Center – Stafford
Swim State Championship – Finals 5:30pm – Jeff Rouse Swim Center – Stafford
Wrestling State Championship – 8:00am – Virginia Beach Sports Center
Spring sports tryouts start on February 24! Check the tryout schedule at the end of the show for information on specific sports!
There will be a student- student basketball game on February 21 from 7-9. THIS IS TONIGHT! Tickets are $5. There will be a DJ, food, and contests, s either sign up in the athletics office to play or just come and enjoy an evening of fun!
Creative Writing Club will meet next Thursday, February 27th after school in Mrs. Sorfi’s room–room 1017 from 3:25-4:30. Any students who like creative writing can come—no experience necessary!
That’s all for today, but keep watching for some important reminders.