Track and field is both a fun but very competitive sport with many ups and downs, going from having workouts and practice twenty four seven to having a get together with the team. Despite being kind of more of an individual sport, being a team and working together is very important being able to help each other, break personal records, and team records. Track and field is kind of different then other sports, instead of having just one game that would maybe stretch to two hours on the long end they have meets instead. These meets can last up to four plus hours with some athletes evening competing in multiple events.
Track and field is a very hard sport no matter what event you participate in the 100m or even the 800m they all have their pros and cons and you may think one is easier than the other but that’s not always the case. One thing about track and field is you need discipline and endurance being able to push through and withstand the toll it takes on you even when you are tired or midrace that is one of the hardest parts about track “What motivates me most to keep going and push through to the finish line is probably the feeling of winning and knowing that all the hard work and pain I went through during the race didn’t just go to waste,” said freshman Ryleigh Robinson
Why is track important to you track and field is a sport where you make and see a lot of development in not only yourself but others around you such as friends and teammates “The main reason why track is important to me is because it is way to make new friends and PR and doing something that I find fun in while doing multiple events,” said senior Sabastian Mareno.
There are many ups and downs of doing track and field. Some would say one of them outweighs the other, and others would say they balance out “My favorite thing about track is the team and having all of these people around me even its practice sometimes I feel like its just a big get together,” said sophomore Camilla Quintanilla. Another player added “My least favorite thing about track is when it is cold or windy outside it feels like the wind is working against us.” said senior Sabastian Mareno.
People do track for quite a few reasons, some do it for fun and some do it for no reason in general just to be able to stay in shape or have something to do with their free time. Track is a sport is a kind of sport you can try for the first time and still be really good at especially if you are already an athlete “The main reason why I started doing track was because I needed something to keep me occupied and out of trouble and still being in shape and ready for football season,” said sophomore Elijah Loyd