“Osbourn Today” Makes Long-Awaited Debut
Morning announcements became less basic on Monday, September 26. On this day, the intercom announcements were put to rest, and the brand-new, live-streamed show, Osbourn Today made its grand debut.
Most advisory teachers received the memo on the new format and tuned in right on time.
Viewers were greeted with a bold opening sequence, featuring catchy music and pictures of the entire Osbourn Today crew at work.
Following the traditional Pledge and moment of silence, news anchor Matthew Beach appeared, ready to engage and inform the entire school community. “Anchoring on the first day was slightly nerve-wracking, as I knew that there would be many more people that were going to be watching than any other everyday run-through, so I tried my best to be as clean and well-spoken as possible. The experience itself didn’t feel like a thrown-together-last-minute kind of thing, even though some things, like the lunch menu, had been added the same day. What is strange is it made me feel far less nervous speaking to a camera instead of speaking to an in-house audience, although I’m sure that, in total, it was the biggest crowd I have ever spoken to by myself. It was a fun experience and I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow,” said Beach.
The crew behind the scenes on that first day included Aidan Kiefer, Selena Lopez, and Nick Williams, all of whom played key roles in the production of the show.
“My job working behind the scenes is to transition from the video to the live anchor. I have to be paying attention at all times to time the transition just right,” explained Aidan Keifer.
On G days, different students work on production tasks. “Right now, I work behind the scenes to make sure the video and sound are working. I wear headphones and watch the feed on a computer so I can see exactly what those watching the show see. It helps to make sure that everything is working properly so that everything runs smoothly,” explained Kai Johnson.
This school year welcomed students with a brand new and exciting class. Broadcast journalism is a class where students are given a chance to participate in helping the school by writing and producing a daily morning show. In addition to being a class to learn skills in journalistic writing, technical skills, and effective communication, it’s also a space where students are able to collaborate and make friends.
Some students chose this class to put their creativity and communication skills to the test.
“I chose this class because I’ve always enjoyed writing. It will also be a good way for me to get used to being in front of a camera,” said freshman Kai Johnson.
“I chose this class because last year, I did the Spanish announcements. A lot of the teachers and students told me to continue because they liked my form of translating,” explained senior Jeser Martinez (a former Broadcast member).
Although the class content encompasses a variety of areas, most students favor one aspect over others.
“My favorite part about broadcast is that I can express any questions or thoughts I have without judgment. I feel like this class is very judgment-free.” said sophomore Savannah Fitzgerald.
Other students expressed their excitement and joy of being able to experience the types of equipment offered to them and show the school what they’ve learned.
“My favorite part about this class is working with the equipment behind the scenes and learning how to be good at production. I am excited because I will put everything we learned to use and it will be a big step for the broadcast journalism classes when we finally start our show!” said senior Carter Short.
Meanwhile, some students have set a goal they want this upcoming class to accomplish.
“I would like for our work and the broadcast journalism class itself to get known more. I want to really get students’ attention and get them interested! Hopefully, lots of amazing people will want to join next year,” said sophomore Nidia Perez Navarro.
Many students are very positive and hopeful about the brand-new class. Overall, broadcast journalism is a class where students are able to express their skills, creativity, and opinions as they work as one huge and successful team.

Hello! My name is Ashley Lucero Zepeda. I am a senior at Osbourn High School. I am a member of the broadcast journalism class! In the upcoming school year,...

Hi! My name is Liliana Lucero (but you could just call me Lily). I'm a freshman at Osbourn and I am 14. The types of articles I'm looking forward to writing...
Jonah Morales-Espinoza • Oct 3, 2022 at 1:49 pm
That picture is a really good representation of the atmosphere I’m getting from reading the article. Very good work at interviewing people, I really like it that you interviewed a former broadcast member. You formatted this article very well as well, great work here.
Alondra Marquez • Oct 3, 2022 at 1:19 pm
There were so many great quotes and they were all so detailed. You guys did so great! I loved your article
amelia • Sep 27, 2022 at 12:02 pm
It was cool to hear all of the factors that went into planning, and prepping the setup to get it ready. I also enjoyed hearing what peoples favorite part/ incentive was about joining and participating.
Ethan Hudson • Sep 27, 2022 at 11:03 am
I really like this article and I like the new idea and creation of the topic that is being produced. This article has good quotes and transitions too and in general this was a great article.