How to Manage Back to School Jitters
Starting a new school year can bring on a lot of stress. Whether it is because you are worried about academics or your social life, it can be hard readjusting to the school environment. It helps to know you are not the only one. There are other people struggling too. Luckily, experts have developed some ways to help students and their friends make it through these common back-to-school jitters.
When asked about what is the first step to helping a student who may be feeling panicky, Mr. Whittaker, the school psychologist, said “Don’t panic over panicking.” Many students come to him worrying about how their peers may perceive them, and it only adds to the pressure they are dealing with. He describes it as a “tidal wave,” and says that if you try to run from it, then you will be crushed, but if you go through it you will make it. “I like to remind myself of my support system when I am stressed out. That way I know there are people to listen, and there are always people who will listen,”
The school counselors also offer a place of support. Mrs. Greth likes to take students on a walk to clear their heads if they are feeling panicked or upset about something. Mrs. Morales likes to start with coping methods that students may already have in place. They both agreed that the best way to help a friend struggling with anxiety is to offer an open ear.
Ms. Violett, from the college and career center, also has some helpful advice. “Treat yourself the way you’d treat a friend. If a friend were to come up to you with a problem, your response would likely not be to tell them that their feelings aren’t valid. People struggle and make mistakes, so be kind to yourself. Also, to help be proactive when it comes to anxiety, take small steps, be aware of deadlines, and focus on what you can control,” she suggests.
Sometimes it is hard though to listen to adults because it feels like they won’t understand what you need. Sometimes they may not. So what do students have to say?
Ninth grader, Rome John Henriques, suggests “Assure an upset friend that everything will be ok. Tell them that their self-worth is NOT defined by a number or letter. There is pressure on students to be perfect in school, but if you mess up once, it will not mess up everything.”
Tenth grader, Guadalupe Ortiz-Martinez, gives the advice “Don’t be afraid to ask for guidance from your teachers or friends. Not for the answers, but for guidance.”
As a student though, it is also important to express what you need from teachers within reason. They are unable to help you if you don’t talk to them.
Eleventh grader, Giani Rich, said it best: “I believe teachers should give students a little time and space in stressful situations. As humans, the first instinct is to fix a problem, but sometimes people just need a break.”
“No matter how small something may seem, if you feel anxious about it, there is someone out there who will listen and maybe even relate. You are not alone,” added Ms. Miller.

My name is Jillian and I am a senior. I hope to give voices to people who feel like nobody listens. I want to use the power of my words to bring awareness...
Victoria Ingram • Oct 10, 2022 at 6:14 pm
I’m sorry. Everything about this article is perfect?! It is such a wonderful resource for students. The idea is strong and develops nicely. What a great showcase of your abilities; it’s clear that you know what you’re doing.
Marcus Mclean • Sep 23, 2022 at 11:05 am
This article would be really helpful to those who feel anxious about going to school. I like how well and thought out this article was written. This article is great to show that those who feel anxious or nervous about school aren’t alone and that they can get extra help if needed.
Rose McCusker • Sep 23, 2022 at 10:31 am
This article has a lot of information about how to get over the jitters that some may have when going to school. I loved how you had many quotes from people in different grade levels as well as teachers! I’m sure someone who read this actually feels better about talking to someone about their feelings!
Gwendolyn Boles • Sep 22, 2022 at 12:08 pm
I think it was very smart for you to cover this topic as many students do face this challenge. Also, I like how you included quotes from counselors/staff because they are very educated on that topic. Furthermore, I really like how you used the term ‘tidal wave’, I thought that was a very good way to put it.
Alondra Marquez • Sep 21, 2022 at 3:59 pm
This is definitely very informative. This is something that’s so common especially with people who have anxiety who struggle talking to people or being around people who they don’t know. Everything was great I loved it!
Michael Juarez-Sesam • Sep 21, 2022 at 2:09 pm
This was really interesting I never really felt like this when I go to school or experience anxiety in general. However knowing what people feel and how they should cope with it is something I really liked. The next time my friends have an issue like this I would definitely either use some of the things you talked about or send them to this article to know about it.
Jillian Sorrell • Sep 22, 2022 at 8:08 am
I am so glad that you may be able to use this to help your friends. I wrote this article with the hope that this very message was relayed.
Aziza Zarrincalaki • Sep 21, 2022 at 2:01 pm
I feel like this article will help so many students who are struggling with getting adjusted. Love how the sources are so informative!
Jillian Sorrell • Sep 22, 2022 at 8:19 am
Thank you!
Alejandra Chavarria • Sep 21, 2022 at 2:01 pm
I like how it wasn’t only students being interviewed, but also the counselor. I think this would be great for people going through the stress of starting highschool.
Jillian Sorrell • Sep 22, 2022 at 8:22 am
Thank you! I really wanted a variety of perspective because anxiety is something that can be experience in multitude of ways.
Yessica Corrales • Sep 21, 2022 at 1:54 pm
This is an amazing topic to write about, I most definitely think this article will help others with what they’re going through. It was put together amazingly. I love the advice that was given by some of the sources, amazing article. Keep up the good work!
Jillian Sorrell • Sep 22, 2022 at 8:35 am
Thank you! I feel so lucky that I was able to bring some positive awareness on such an important topic.
Ayaa Mohamed • Sep 21, 2022 at 1:49 pm
I really like this article. I love how you interviewed a variety of people like ninth grade tenth grade and a councilor, it really helped me better understand the article because I am seeing it from many different perspectives. This is an amazing article and I overall loved reading it.
Jillian Sorrell • Sep 22, 2022 at 8:36 am
Thank you so much!
amelia breeden • Sep 21, 2022 at 12:30 pm
This was such an important topic to cover, and I loved the ending of the article. The quotes were strong, and the people asked were an important source with the topic.
Jillian Sorrell • Sep 21, 2022 at 1:10 pm
Thank you! I am very glad I was able to spread awareness on this topic through a variety of perspectives.
Madina Habib • Sep 21, 2022 at 12:07 pm
I loved how you interviewed a counselor, having professional voices is very important, especially as sensitive and important as this one! Loved how this spreads awareness!
Jillian Sorrell • Sep 21, 2022 at 1:15 pm
Thank you so much! I wanted to make sure I got a variety of sources because anxiety is experienced in a variety of ways.