Gustavo Zeno Gavilano had an idea. He wondered why there wasn’t a debate team at Osbourn High School. So he decided to go to Mr. Paul Whitley, a history teacher with his idea which caused the first debate team for the school to exist. There are around 30 members. A debate team is a type of competitive sport that allows people to converse about controversial topics with their peers. Debate teams also enter tournaments with other debate teams from other schools, it works the same as debates with peers, so essentially your team says one thing while the other team says something different and explains themselves. “I had a student who came to me who wanted to start this thing. His name is Gustavo Zeno,” Whiteley confirms.
“The debate team is about not only traditional debate but also includes short plays, such as humorous and dramatic interpretations. As for the traditional debates, we do public forum, where two teams of two debate each other on a specific topic, Lincoln Douglas, where two people debate each other over a topic, and Student Congress, where a group of students discuss public policy,” are some things that Gustavo thinks that the debate team is in his opinion.
“It’s actually debate and forensics, it’s a competition team that competes in debates and in performance events. Debates are two on twos, two debaters versus two debaters, one on ones, and student congress. Performance can be anything from humor presentations to poetry,” are the intentions of the debate team according to Whiteley. Everyone in the debate team can contribute in several types of ways such as, the debate team has people who discuss public policies, make presentations for an argument they are sided to, or when two teams debate and try to win.
“I think for our school specifically, the debate team lists mainly just the way we as teenagers are becoming more aware of politics,” is what Michael DeRoche said about the debate team which essentially means that as students get older, they want to know more about politics so they can understand current situations better.
Tiffanni Garcia-Palencia, a student who is a part of debate team said, “We start with our research and write our speeches, after that we go to different tournaments against many different schools, we get two different rounds, one where we have a speech for the affirmative side and negative side. After our arguments, there is an award ceremony and that’s when you get to find out if you won or lost of course the more you win the higher in ranks you go so we have a few members who made it to varsity because of our first tournament we went to,” to sum it up, the debate team does their research and write their speeches to then participate in tournaments that have other debate teams from other schools, one part of the speech will be affirmative, or the idea they side with, while the other part will be for the negative side, the part that mentions the cons of their side.
“We intend to compete and win for Osbourn High School at debate competitions,” is what the intentions of the debate team are during competitions according to Gustavo Zeno Gavilano. So in order to win, their argument has to be very well developed and has to be agreed more with. Overall, the debate team is one of the newer sports of Osbourn High School, having many ways to enjoy it like performing your argument, speaking about your argument, doing research on your argument, or simply writing your speeches.
If you like the idea of debating, perhaps you should join the debate team next year.
Isabel Calvillo • Feb 28, 2025 at 10:50 am
I think this is a very interesting and good new club to have!
Elise • Feb 27, 2025 at 1:58 pm
Im happy we know have this club. I’m excited for everyone in it I think its exciting and interesting to have
Bri • Feb 27, 2025 at 11:26 am
I will probably be joining next year because it is a good look on your record and I really enjoy debating on different topics.
Shane • Feb 26, 2025 at 2:08 pm
I think your questions and explanations for and about the debate team are really what brought out the main idea of this article and made it very clear. I think the debate team would be a fun club to join but I don’t know if I could be smart to.
Ian Knox • Feb 26, 2025 at 1:58 pm
Having a debate team is very important, it’s an infinitely useful skill. It’s exciting we have a club of such valuable a life skill at our school.
Emely Luna • Feb 26, 2025 at 10:57 am
This was a really good idea for a new club
Josh Guzman • Feb 25, 2025 at 9:35 am
I think joining the debate team would be a good idea because it will help students be a better speaker, especially for the students who are normally quiet. It is a great way to feel competitive if you feel like you have a lot to say about certain topics. Overall, I wouldn’t join the debate team myself, but I would say that it’s a very interesting sport here at Osbourn. Hope the debate team succeeds with their competitions.
Engel Diaz Diaz • Feb 24, 2025 at 4:35 pm
Your article is very interesting. I think that this new sport helps young people to strengthen their communication skills. I understand that it is always good to talk about new topics and listen to people’s points of view because we always have the opportunity to learn new and interesting things. Thanks Engel!
Emely Luna • Feb 24, 2025 at 3:12 pm
I’m glad Gustavo was able to successfully launch his club idea!
Jackson Doll • Feb 24, 2025 at 3:00 pm
I was on the debate team for around a month before quitting to focus more on the school play last fall, but I still have interest in debate and I’ll probably join next year.